Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shoe shopping is an aphrodisiac...

Or at least that was what one issue of Cosmopolitan said. The nerves in the brain that control the sensations in the feet and the sensations in, well, other places are next door neighbors, so shoe shopping is like a ramp up to a big event. Does this also work for online shoe shopping?

I have been trolling the web for months looking for a pair of glamorous blue shoes to wear for my wedding. I saw lots of different magazines and wedding websites touting the trend of colored shoes, and not being one who likes to stand in the background on bland color choices, I jumped at the idea. My wedding colors are cobalt blue, cornflower blue, white, and fuchsia peonies. I would like my shoes to match the color of my bridesmaids, but it's not a do or die.

Does anyone have any good resources for blue high heels?

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